Candidates for U.S. Senate Talk Conservation

Jul 30, 2020

Tennessee State Capitol building
With the retirement of Senator Alexander, the race is on to become Tennessee’s next senator.

Know Candidates’ Views Before Voting November 3

Alexander long advocated for Tennessee’s wildlife and wild places, including the recent passage of the Great American Outdoors Act.

If we want to see victories like that in the future, it’s up to sportsmen and outdoor enthusiasts to let candidates know that the great outdoors is an important voting issue.

So, Tennessee Wildlife Federation asked every candidate to share their views on conservation, and below are the responses we received.

As you head to the voting booth, consider your impact. Your vote sends a message about the topics most important to you. Make our lands, water, and wildlife priorities, and make Tennessee’s next senator work for you.

Early voting start October 14. Find your polling location here.

Candidate Responses

The following candidates responded to the questionnaire. Click the candidate’s name to read more.
Natisha Brooks
Tom Emerson
Yomi Faparusi
Bill Haggerty
Ronnie Henley
Jon Henry
Dean Hill
James Mackler
Kacey Morgan
Aaron Pettigrew
Manny Sethi

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