Non-violent resistance is based on the conviction that the universe is on the side of justice. Consequently the believer in nonviolence has a deep faith in the future.-- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dear Clergy & Congregational Leaders in Capital Cities,

Greetings in this new year that is being born amidst the joy of change and a reckoning with the forces upholding oppressive systems.

As you have no doubt heard, state capitol buildings and capital cities’ public squares  have been targeted for violent actions on Sunday, January 17th, and other days leading up to and on Inauguration Day, by white supremacists and nationalists, insurrectionists, and Trump supporters who believe the election was stolen.

We at the UUA’s Organizing Strategy Team, UU the Vote, and our partners are calling on people to stay safe and not participate in face to face counter protests.  Let’s engage in resilience and creative resistance.

There are so many ways that we can keep building for our vision of multiracial democracy and celebrate Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend and the days ahead.

We know that many of you may be recording or streaming your services from your buildings, and that a lot of work goes into creating MLK Day worship. However, we suggest that you may want to make alternative plans for broadcasting, and avoid traveling to congregations located in downtown areas on the 17th.

UUA President Rev. Dr. Susan Frederick-Gray sent out a message yesterday entitled “Listening to the Call of Love” that addresses this moment and lifts up how we can celebrate what we have won over this past year and how we can resist right now. We are kicking off 30 Days of Love on Sunday.

We also just received this Toolkit of ways that we can act from our partners at The Frontline. This is a moment for creativity and innovation.

Let us know how you are doing, and please reach out to us if you have concerns. 

Stay safe, stay ready, stay resilient. 

UUA Organizing Strategy Team