IN THIS ISSUE: The State of Sex Education + Promotores de Salud + #CountMeIn
Planned Parenthood
In This Issue:
The State of Sex Education + Promotores de Salud + #CountMeIn
Deborah Cox
It's our bodies. We should be able to have control of what it is that we want to do with our bodies … unapologetically."
— Deborah Cox
Deborah Cox, Grammy Award-nominated & multi-platinum R&B singer/songwriter, spoke on what makes her unapologetically #StandWithBlackWomen during Planned Parenthood's 8th annual brunch, in partnership with @BETherTV. Re-cap the event with @PPBlackComm.
The State of
Sex Education
Right now, sex education in the U.S. is a tale of two teenagers.

The first is Tatiana in Los Angeles. She knows all about her birth control options. In fact, she can consult with a Planned Parenthood educator about the IUD versus the pill between math and history class. The other is Hannah in Arizona. She wants to learn more about sex and consent, but is too nervous to ask her mom. Tatiana was educated on consent while Hannah, due to abstinence-only-until-marriage programs, is too scared to even talk about sex.

Most young people don't get the sex education they deserve. Programming varies widely across the U.S. Although many states have some guidance on whether and how sex education should be taught, decisions are often left up to individual school districts. In fact, fewer than half of high schools and only one in five middle schools in the U.S. teach all 16 topics recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as essential components of sex education.

Los Angeles is one place that's demonstrating how we can do better. Thanks to a new and first-of-its-kind collaboration between Planned Parenthood Los Angeles and Los Angeles County government, thousands of students will have access to sex education and health care services at school. The partnership will open 50 Wellbeing Centers in L.A. high schools to provide STI testing, emergency contraception, and other sexual health services, education, and support.

While L.A. is raising the bar on sex education and health care, other school systems and states lag behind. Too few young people report receiving any formal sex education at all. As the nation's largest provider of sex education, Planned Parenthood continues to push for more, and better, sex education. Accurate information and answers to questions without shame or judgment, along with access to health care services, helps keep young people safe and healthy — both in and out of school.
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Read more:
+ The Questions Sex-Ed Students Always Ask
+ How #MeToo Is Changing Sex Ed Policies — Even In Red States
+ Middle Schools Enter a New Era in Sex Ed — Teaching 13-year-olds About Consent
Get the details:
+ L.A. County and Planned Parenthood to Open 50 High School Sexual Health and Well-being Centers
+ The future of sex ed has arrived. Is America ready?
Veronica's Story
Veronica's Story
Meet Veronica, a Planned Parenthood promotora in Texas. Promotores de Salud is a program modeled on Mexican and Central American adult peer education programs that bring information and resources into communities, decrease barriers to health care, and build trusted relationships. Veronica and promotoras like her are vital resources for information and education about sexual and reproductive health in Spanish-speaking communities. Learn more about Veronica's work.

What we're listening to:
The Birds and the Bees... and the Bot
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In this episode, Planned Parenthood Senior Director of the Digital Product Lab, Ambreen Molitor, joins Reset to chat about all things Roo, Planned Parenthood's sex education chatbox, and how it responds to the burning questions teens want to ask. Listen Now.
"Can anyone get HPV?"
Anyone can get HPV (human papilloma virus) — which is why it's so important to get the HPV vaccine. There are many different types of HPV, and most go away on their own and don't cause cancer. But some types of HPV can lead to cancer of the cervix, vagina, vulva, anus, penis, mouth, or throat. The type of cancer that's most often caused by HPV is cervical cancer, which is why some people associate HPV with people who have a cervix. Unfortunately there's no HPV test for people who are packing a penis.

Those of us with a cervix can go to a doctor for an HPV or Pap test. HPV is super common, but when caught early, the problems it can cause are easily treated.

January is Cervical Health Awareness Month — chat with a health educator or visit your nearest Planned Parenthood health center to learn more about HPV, cervical cancer, and preventive care.

— Kellie at Planned Parenthood
The census is a headcount of every person living in the United States that happens once every 10 years. Many communities — like people of color, low-income households, and limited English proficient households — are often underrepresented in this count and many identities aren't included at all. Census information helps determine how billions of dollars are distributed to communities each year for things like hospitals and clinics, and helps determine the health status and needs of communities. Pledge to get THREE friends to say #CountMeIn for the 2020 census!
What we're reading:
+ The Secret to Saving the Lives of Black Mothers and Babies
+ This Queer-Friendly Birthing and Doula Collective Is the First of Its Kind in DC
+ What A Midwife Wishes People Knew About Her Job
+ ICYMI: Webster's 2019 Word of the Year is “They”
+ Abortion Restrictions From 2010-2019 Set The Stage For 2020
+ Ayanna Pressley opens up about having alopecia for first time, reveals bald head in interview
TBH (To Be Honest) is a monthly newsletter dedicated to learning about our bodies, talking about sex and relationships, and challenging health inequity and injustice. Send us your feedback.

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