After trying to block an undocumented young woman from accessing abortion services -- Kavanaugh is now Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court.
Planned Parenthood
TBH Just the facts. No judgment.
No apologies.
In This Issue:
Representation matters + How do I comfort someone who's getting an abortion? + What's the Trump admin's gag rule?
Pose stars share their personal journeys of identity and acceptance.'s not just enough for people who don’t belong in those communities to tell those stories...we also have to empower those communities by economically investing in them and giving them jobs and giving them the pen and allowing them to have a true seat at the table."
Janet Mock, author and transgender activist
The FX series Pose, which depicts 1980s New York City ball culture, is making history. From casting to directing, the show hired more than 100 trans people on the cast and crew. The show’s storytelling features diverse and complex characters: they are LGBT, they are people with HIV, they are sex workers, they are Black or Latinx. They experience discrimination, shame, and stigma — but also resiliency and community. Read more: Janet Mock's 'Pose' Directorial Debut Proves Why Hollywood Needs To Hire Trans People.
Part of being visible is refusing to separate the actors from their actions, and demanding that they be responsible for them."
— Invisibility is an Unnatural Disaster, by Mitsuye Yamada
Mitsuye Yamada was one of the 120,000 Japanese Americans living on the West Coast interned in camps by the U.S. government during World War II — a moment in history that's top-of-mind, given the current development of immigrant detention camps along the U.S.-Mexico border. Yamada wrote poems about her internment decades later, and transformed her pain into a path forward as a feminist writer and human rights activist. She helped lay the groundwork for Asian-American feminists by challenging stereotypes, and encouraging Asian-American women to speak out and defy the myth of the "model minority."
The Supreme Court
Just last fall, Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Judge Kavanaugh, used his judicial power to try to prevent a young, undocumented woman in U.S. custody from accessing the safe, legal abortion she had asked for.

The Trump administration blocked "Jane Doe," who was detained in Texas, from accessing an abortion for over a month. Kavanaugh ruled in favor of allowing further delay. Fortunately, the full court on which Kavanaugh sits intervened and allowed her to access the health care she needed.

While Jane Doe was able to have the abortion, Kavanaugh's actions show a disregard for the constitutional right to abortion and the human right of undocumented immigrants to health care and dignity. The Trump administration attempted to "run out the clock" until her pregnancy passed the 20-week mark — at which point abortion is banned in Texas — and Kavanaugh would have let that happen.

Supreme Court judges are appointed for life, which means that if Kavanaugh is confirmed by the U.S. Senate, there will be far-reaching effects on issues like reproductive rights, immigration rights, LGBTQ rights, gun reform, criminal justice reform, environmental protection, voting rights, and more — and not just for Trump's presidential term, but for decades to come.
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Get the Details:
+ Brett Kavanaugh's One Abortion Case
+ Teenage Immigrant Forced by Government to Remain Pregnant
+ Massachusetts Moves to Protect Abortion Rights Following Kavanaugh Nomination
"My sister is planning on getting an abortion. Any advice on how I can offer her comfort? It was an accidental pregnancy, and she's feeling guilty."
Everyone deserves this kind of support when they’re going through a hard time. Knowing someone cares and will be there no matter what can be the most comforting thing of all. Here are five other ways to support someone who’s having an abortion:

Listen to them and remind them that you support and love them no matter what.
Remind them that there’s no right or wrong way to feel about abortion. It's okay to feel some guilt. It's okay to feel some relief. It's okay not to feel much at all.
Offer to be there with them on the day of their appointment, if they want. Offer other practical help — like driving them home, getting them pads, or watching their kids.
Don't tell anyone unless they ask you to. Even though abortion is nothing to be ashamed of, it's up to them to decide who they tell — not you.
Help them get accurate information about abortion — and if they're having a really hard time, offer to help them find a professional they can talk with. The staff at their nearest Planned Parenthood health center may be able to connect them with local resources. Exhale, an online abortion support group, is another great resource.

Your sister's going to be okay. And the comfort you're providing her is a great reminder of that.

— Emily at Planned Parenthood
Defier of the Month
Blair Imani NY
Blair Imani — a Black, queer, and Muslim activist — founded Equality for HER, a nonprofit offering free educational resources about issues affecting women and nonbinary people. The goal is to make learning about social justice issues more accessible to everyone. As an activist, Blair engages with a wide range of issues, including protesting for reproductive justice, Black Lives Matter, and more recently, organizing a protest of ICE's family separation policy. Check out one of Equality for HER's resources on trans inclusive language: Pregnant People.
What's the Trump administration's gag rule?

The "gag rule" is an attack on Title X, the nation’s program for affordable birth control and reproductive care. Title X funding helps ensure that people with low incomes — who often can’t otherwise afford health care services — have access to basic, preventive reproductive health care. Among other things, the gag rule would make it impossible for Title X patients to get care from providers like Planned Parenthood, leaving many with nowhere else to go.

Last week, Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts announced that they now offer gender affirming hormone therapy for trans patients! If you are looking for these services in your area, visit our website or call 1-800-230-7526 to check with a Planned Parenthood health center near you.
TBH (To Be Honest) is a monthly newsletter dedicated to learning about our bodies, talking about sex and relationships, and challenging health inequity and injustice. Send us your feedback.

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