PSR Monitor
September 26, 2023
Environment & Health
Inflation Reduction Act 101 Webinar with Rewiring America & PSR National
Join Rewiring America & PSR National tomorrow, Wednesday September 27th at 3:30pm ET / 12:30pm PT, to learn how much money you could save through the Inflation Reduction Act and how exactly to access the billions of dollars allocated for consumers through tax credits and rebates. Rewiring America's Director of Research, Cora Wyent, will outline the steps we can all take toward electrification by upgrading the ways we heat, cool, and power our homes, cook our food, and get around. Register for Inflation Reduction Act 101 below, we hope to see you there!
Health Harms of Gas Stoves - Final Animated PSA Videos
PSR’s Gas Stove PSA campaign wraps up with two new animated videos. The fourth in our campaign focuses on clean energy and electrification wins around the country. The fifth and final video educates folks on the strategies you can take to reduce your exposure to gas appliance pollutants and the electric alternatives available to get rid of gas for good. Watch the Clean Energy Wins video here and the Strategies & Solutions video here, and please share them far and wide to spread the word about how dangerous gas burning appliances are for our health and our planet!
Take action to strengthen foundational environmental policy!
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is a landmark environmental law, passed over 50 years ago and relevant for communities across the country today. This policy has long ensured that environmental impact is a consideration for actions taken by the government. Not only this, but because of NEPA we all get a voice in the process, deciding what is best for our health, the local environment, and our community as a whole. The White House Council on Environmental Quality wants to hear from you about recent proposed revisions to NEPA. Submit a comment today to support the strengthening of NEPA.
PSR chapters participate in the March to End Fossil Fuels
An estimated 75,000 marchers joined the March to End Fossil Fuels on September 17, demanding climate action from the United Nations and an end to fossil fuels. PSR-PA led the Health Hub with participation from a number of other PSR chapters, members, and partner organizations. Besides health professionals, the march enjoyed representation from environmental groups, labor, political leaders, and more. As climate change continues to take its toll on our health, we must make our voices heard. Thank you to all who participated for doing just that.
New Report on Outdoor Air Pollution from Buildings
PSR will partner with the Sierra Club and WE ACT to release a new report on outdoor air pollution that comes from buildings' space heaters and water heaters. While lighting, electronic devices, and most cooling equipment are powered by electricity, the majority of U.S. buildings still burn fossil fuels to power heating equipment like water heaters and furnaces. They pollute the air with nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and carbon dioxide (CO2). We will mark the report release with a webinar on Thursday, October 5, 1:00 – 2:00pm Eastern. Save the date!
PFAS Chemicals Used in Fracking in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania is one of the foremost producers of oil and gas in the U.S. – and toxic PFAS "forever" chemicals are being used in some of those Pennsylvania wells. PFAS chemicals are toxic at extraordinarily low levels, have multiple negative health effects including cancer, and persist in the environment. What PFAS have been used in fracking operations in the Keystone State? What are the risks to land, water and human health? And how much information is being hidden from public view? Learn more when PSR's latest report on PFAS in fracking is released on October 10, and stay tuned for an invitation to the accompanying webinar.
United Nations takes on fossil fuels at Climate Ambition Summit
New York City saw a convergence of the United Nations for a weeklong gathering, with their Climate Ambition Summit taking place on September 20. UN Secretary General António Guterres worries that "humanity has opened the gates to hell" as we continue changing our climate. Notably missing from the conversation were leaders from the most-polluting countries, including the United States. Despite this, calls to action were primarily aimed at the major emitters, asking them to keep their promises and decrease fossil fuel use. Over the next seven years we need to reduce emissions by 43% in order to meet the requirements set forth in the Paris Agreement.
Claim Your $7,500 Solar Tax Credit
If you have an unshaded roof at your home or business, now is the time to install solar panels and claim a $7,500 credit on your 2023 tax filings.
PSR members should not miss the opportunity presented by the 2022 U.S. Inflation Reduction Act! The panels will likely pay for themselves in eight years through the electricity savings and provide you with free power for another twenty. Photovoltaic energy for your home or business means saving money, cleaner air, and a healthier community.
Nuclear Weapons Abolition
Democrat and Republican lawmakers join forces to say: “expand the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act”
Democrat and Republican Senators and Representatives joined forces for a remarkable September 20 press event to express bipartisan support for expanding and extending the protections offered by the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act. PSR assisted with travel arrangements for some of the Downwinders, atomic veterans, and Navajo uranium miners who traveled from New Mexico, Utah, Missouri and even Guam to participate in the historic event on the Capitol lawn. Senators Lujan, Hawley and Crapo successfully amended the NDAA to include significant improvements to existing RECA legislation, but the outcome still depends on a House - Senate conference. In addition to a substantial mass media turnout, PSR Nuclear Weapons Abolition Program intern Orlando Bell was on hand to capture the event with photos and quotes.
Photo: Queery-54 / CC BY-SA 4.0 |
Commemorating Stanislav Petrov, Protecting the World He Saved
Today, September 26, marks the 40-year anniversary since one brave man saved the world from nuclear armageddon. By disobeying strict Soviet nuclear protocols and opting not to report the perceived launch of five nuclear missiles by the United States, Lt Col Stanislav Petrov may have prevented the beginning of a full-scale nuclear war that would have been triggered by a false alarm. False signals and unintended crises are abundant in the historical record; on this anniversary PSR is joining civil society groups across the world and the UN in celebrating the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.
Photo: Qilei Cai / CC BY-SA 3.0 |
New Resource on China's Nuclear Arsenal
PSR has created a new resource, “The New Nuclear World: An Exploration of the Development of China's Nuclear Arsenal, Its Implication on Nuclear Deterrence, and Recommendations to Prevent Nuclear Conflict.” Written by PSR Nuclear Weapons Abolition Program intern Orlando Bell, the report details the historical context of the current predicament, engages with debates over the true nature of China's nuclear ambitions, acknowledges that the U.S. and Russia have incentivized China, and makes recommendations for dialing back the unacceptable level of nuclear risk at which the world currently operates. Critically, Orlando concludes that a world with three nuclear superpowers raises challenging questions for established thinking on nuclear deterrence and urgently requires a global pivot to, at the very least, increase transparency, reduce brinkmanship, and engage in multilateral arms control. Ultimately, however, it acknowledges that the only way we can be safe from nuclear war is through the total abolition of nuclear weapons.
PSR Events
A Very Special Thank you to our 2023 Health Heroes Awards Sponsors
Drs. Barbara Sharp & Todd Sack
Cathey Falvo, MD
Dr. Art Milholland & Dr. Luann Mostello
Support PSR's 2023 Health Heroes Awards as a sponsor or partner and help us protect people from the gravest threat to our planet through our work in advocating for Nuclear Weapons Abolition and promoting Environment and Health.
Upcoming Events
Inflation Reduction Act 101
Wed. Sep. 27, 3:30 pm EDT / 12:30pm PT
Join Rewiring America & PSR National to learn how you can save money and the planet through the Inflation Reduction Act. Register
San Francisco Bay PSR 2023 Virtual Gala
Wed. Sep. 27, 6:00 pm PDT
Awards, Auction, Music, and Keynote Speaker Dr. Cheryl Holder, a national health leader advocating for comprehensive medical prevention and care strategies for poor communities impacted by climate change. Tickets
Community Town Hall – Washington County
Wed. Sep. 27, 6:30 - 8:00 pm EDT
North Strabane Twp. Park, Quail Acres, 1929 PA-519, Canonsburg, PA
Virtual & In Person Town Hall for those concerned about the health of our communities, co-hosted by PSR Pennsylvania. Register
Greater Boston PSR October Monthly Meeting
Mon. Oct. 2, 7:00 - 8:00 pm EDT
GBPSR's Monthly Meeting - Open to All. Contact Executive Director Anna Linakis for questions or to request the Zoom link:
Endocrine Disruptors in Plastics: State Policy Options
Tue. Oct. 3, 7:00 pm EDT
Join this webinar to learn about EDCs in plastic, how they impact our health, and potential policies to reduce them. Co-sponsored by PSR New York. Register
Commercial Induction Cooking Workshop – CHECK Program
Thu. Oct. 5, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm EDT
Part of the CHECK Program – Induction Cooking Workshops collection sponsored by PSR Pennsylvania. Are you interested in decarbonizing your building by converting your commercial kitchen to induction cooking equipment? If so, join us! Register
Climate & Nuclear Webinar Series: Part 2 | Local Voices, Local Solutions: How Frontline Communities Are Addressing the Overlapping Health Impacts of Climate Crises, Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Power
Tue. Oct. 10, Noon - 1:00 pm EDT
Part two of this Greater Boston PSR webinar series provides a forum for voices representing impacted communities. Session Three will be held Nov. 14 at Noon. Discount available with a free GBPSR membership. Learn More & Register
Harrisburg Peace Garden – Dr. James E. Jones Memorial
Wed. Oct. 18, 5:30 - 7:30 pm EDT
West Shore Country Club, 100 Brentwater Rd, Camp Hill, PA
Celebrate the memory of the Harrisburg Peace Garden's founder, Dr. Jim Jones of PSR Harrisburg. Register
Annual Global Health and Peace Awards
Sat. Oct. 21, 6:00 - 8:00 pm EDT
Harvard Medical School's Countway Library, 10 Shattuck St, Boston, MA
GBPSR and International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) cordially invite you to join and support our presentation of this year's Global Health and Peace Awards, honoring Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey for the extraordinary work they have done as longtime leaders for climate action and nuclear disarmament. Register
PSR/Sacramento 2023 Annual Dinner
Sat. Oct. 21, 6:00 - 8:00 pm PDT
Join PSR/Sacramento for their annual dinner co-hosted with Americans Against Gun Violence, featuring keynote speaker Michael North, PhD of Scotland on gun control in Great Britain. Register
PSR Health Heroes Awards Reception
Fri. Nov. 3, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm EDT
1615 Dupont, 1615 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington, DC
Save the Date: Join PSR as we gather in-person to celebrate our successes in advocating for Nuclear Weapons Abolition and promoting Environment and Health. We will be honoring those that empower PSR’s work which allow us to protect people from the gravest threats to us and our planet. Learn More & Register
More Events
PSR Actions
Take Action: Power to NEPA!
Tell the Biden Administration: It is time for the U.S. to engage with the Ban Treaty
In the news
Our nuclear legacy and the weight of history
Nancy Dickeman, former Washington PSR staff, Seattle Times - Sep 22
State's reworked heat pump rules get a cool reception from critics
Kitsap Sun - Sep 18
Quotes Claire Richards, PhD, RN of Washington PSR
Health Professionals Demanding Fossil Fuel Phase Out at NYC Climate March
Antigua Observer - Sep 16
Mentions PSR Pennsylvania
Does Colorado need hydrogen for a carbon-free future?
Courthouse News Service - Sep 15
Mentions PSR Colorado
Over 200 Organizations Demand Action on UAE Human Rights Abuses Before COP28 Climate Talks
DAWN - Sep 13
Mentions San Francisco Bay PSR
Coalition unites to stop gas pipeline expansion in Pacific North West
Liberation News - Sep 12
Mentions Washington PSR
Environmentalists Demand Answers About Pennsylvania Governor's Secretive Committee on Cap-and-Trade Program
The American Prospect - Sep 11
Mentions PSR Pennsylvania
Where Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer ends, Linus Pauling begins
The Daily Barometer - Sep 11
Quotes Kamil Khan, Executive Director of Oregon PSR
Human Fallibility: A Critical Hole in Global Faith in Nuclear Security
Orlando Bell, PSR Nuclear Weapons Abolition Intern, Inkstick Media - Sep 8
'To Really Strike Gold'
Knock LA - Sep 7
Mentions PSR-Los Angeles
Leaders aren't helpless and must take action on fracking
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review - Sep 5
Quotes PSR Pennsylvania's Ned Ketyer, MD
DP's global conference calls for int'l solidarity against Fukushima water release
YonHap News Agency (South Korea) - Sep 4
Mentions Washington PSR
Ohio Valley Solar Co-op picks firm to install panels
The Weirton Daily Times - Sep 2
Mentions PSR Pennsylvania
Woman offers gas imaging camera service to Rustic Ridge residents
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review - Aug 31
Quotes PSR Pennsylvania's Tammy Murphy
Environmental advocates: Sempra gut and amends will raise utility bills and profits for shareholders
Daily Kos - Aug 31
Mentions PSR-Los Angeles
Gas imaging camera service offered for free in Plum Thursday
WTAE - Aug 29
News clip featuring Christina Digiulio of PSR Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania residents call for action after study links fracking to asthma and lymphoma
Pennsylvania Capital-Star - Aug 28
Quotes PSR Pennsylvania's Ned Ketyer, MD
Worldwide protests demand Japan stop dumping radioactive waste water from Fukushima power plant disaster
Liberation News - Aug 27
Mentions Washington PSR
Golden Rule Peace Boat brings message of nuclear dangers in the world to Sheboygan
Sheboygan Press - Aug 26
Coverage of event co-sponsored by PSR Wisconsin
The effects of shale gas drilling
Associated Press - Aug 22
Quotes PSR Pennsylvania's Ned Ketyer, MD