Action Together NEPA is a grassroots progressive organization dedicated to community action and political advocacy. We support bold progressive policies that will preserve our democracy and promote social and economic justice. Take action today!



Governor Shapiro, this is a PA Budget we can cheer for!

Governor Shapiro is investing in our kids, our families, and our futures with a bold and ambitious budget. Addressing a joint session of the General Assembly on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, the Governor laid out a sweeping proposal that will fully fund public education, make higher education affordable, raise the minimum wage to $15 dollars, combat medical debt, call for the legalization of marijuana, and invest in public transportation. 

This is a budget worth fighting for, and we need to start now!

Click here to send a letter to Governor Shapiro, your PA Senator, and PA House Representative expressing your support for this transformative proposal.



Tell Congress: Pass the Freedom to Vote Act Now!

Throughout the region, the Commonwealth, and the nation, attacks on voters and democracy are happening at alarming rates. Voters are turning out in record numbers, but without government action to protect our democracy, the safeguards in place mean little to nothing. 

Take action today to show that you're pro-voter and pro-democracy.

Click here to demand that your federal representatives pass the Freedom to Vote Act!



Are you enraged by the extreme Supreme Court's scandals, devastating decisions, and denial of our freedoms?

We are – and you should be too. Extremist justices sitting on the Supreme Court hand down consequential decisions about our safety, our freedoms, our environment, and our democracy. While they make rules our country has to follow, they flout ethical standards and use their power to enrich themselves, reward their friends, and punish their enemies. 

Join @WeAreUFD to demand action. Add your voice to call on Congress to rein in the Court:


It's past time to pass the Fairness Act in Pennsylvania!

It's 2023 - and it's still legal to be fired for being gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer in Pennsylvania. It's still legal to deny someone housing or sevice in your business because of their sexuality or gender identity. The Fairness Act would make this bigotry illegal, but it still needs to pass the PA Senate to become state law.

Contact your PA Senator HERE.

We can't wait for the Senate to act. Let's fight for local protections right now! 

Click here to demand a Luzerne County nondiscrimination ordinance!


The student debt crisis is impacting millions of Americans. Are you one of them? How about your kids or grandkids? 

Tell us your student debt story HERE and join the fight to end the predatory loan system that is affecting ALL of us. 


Take the NEPA Pro-Voter Pledge: Pennsylvanians have the freedom, by law, to choose how they wish to cast their ballots– in person on Election Day, by mail-in ballot, or by using a drop box. By offering voters accessible options to vote, we can ensure that every citizen has an equal voice in the decisions that shape our future and ensure that our elections are fair, free, and accessible.

In NEPA, voters decide. Sign the NEPA Pro-Voter Pledge today.

Luzerne County Voters: Sign the Luzerne County Pro-Voter Agenda here!


Let's End Gun Violence - It's Time for a Common Agenda for Gun Safety For the first time in over a decade, there has been progress made in the PA House of Representatives on common-sense gun reforms! On May 22nd, the House passed expanded violence checks and Extreme Risks Protection Orders (ERPO). A third policy to require the reporting of lost and stolen gun failed by one vote. We need YOUR help to ensure that we pass common sense solutions to ending the epidemic of gun violence!

Contact Your Legislators
