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PSR Monitor

January 26, 2021

Peace and Security

Montage of EIF celebrations

Nuclear ban treaty enters into force—a big win for planetary health

It is the international news story that the United States “establishment” wants you to ignore: nuclear weapons have been declared illegal under international law. Fortunately, civil society people—including PSR members—spread the news of the new treaty across the USA, often with a touch of creativity. On Friday, January 22, the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons 'entered into force', changing the legal status of nuclear weapons forevermore. 

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New START graphic

President Biden seeks to prevent New START treaty from lapsing

On January 21, the Biden Administration announced it would seek a full five year extension of the New START treaty. Press secretary Jen Psaki called the treaty "an anchor of strategic stability between our two countries." PSR was part of the coalition that worked for Senate ratification of New START in 2010.

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Environment & Health

Kalama victory graphic

Victory: WA Denies Kalama Methanol Refinery

Last week the Washington state Dept. of Ecology denied permits for a proposal to build the world's largest fracked gas-to-methanol refinery along the shores of the Columbia River in Kalama, on the ancestral lands of the Cowlitz People. Washington PSR worked with coalition partners to oppose this dangerous project, bringing the health voice through op-eds, lawsuits, emails, and protests.

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Jordan Cove

Victory in the fight against Jordan Cove LNG

Also last week, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) upheld the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality's denial of the key Clean Water Act permit for the proposed Jordan Cove LNG (liquified natural gas) export terminal and Pacific Connector fracked gas pipeline in Southern Oregon. Oregon PSR joined coalition partners in the fight against this long-proposed project, which is opposed by local tribes, landowners, climate activists, and health advocates.

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Coming Soon: New Report on Fracking and COVID-19

Is there a connection between the air pollutants released by fracking and local rates of COVID infections and deaths? PSR's new report on this subject will be released on Thursday, January 28. Watch for it at!

PSR Actions

Tell Congress: Nuclear weapons prohibited in international law

In the news

President Biden: Rid the world of nuclear weapons
Robert Brammer and Tom Leffler, on behalf of peace groups including PSR, Des Moines Register - Jan 22


Environmental Lawsuits Seek to Overturn Trump's Fracking Leases
Pagosa Daily Post - Jan 22
Quotes PSR's Barbara Gottlieb


Renewed Threat of Nuclear Holocaust Requires Physician Activism
Bernard Lown, MD, Richard A. Cash, MD, MPH, and Jon E. Rohde, MD, New England Journal of Medicine - Jan 21


No Nukes! Entry into Force of the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
Talk of the Bay (KSQD) - Jan 21
Radio Interview with PSR Board Member Robert Gould, MD


Plum residents, environmental groups ask Governor Wolf to stop fracking waste injection well
Public Source - Jan 21
Mentions PSR


"Let's Turn This 'Temporary Halt' to Permanent Ban": Biden Praised for Pause on Drilling Leases
Common Dreams - Jan 21
Mentions PSR


New Solar Co-op Launches in Denver
Mile High CRE - Jan 18
Mentions PSR Colorado


The End of Nukes
Ira Helfand, MD, and Nate Goldshlag, Boston Globe - Jan 17


Inslee's capital gains tax gets mixed reaction in first public hearing
Wenatchee World - Jan 15
Quotes Washington PSR's Mark Vossler, MD


A nuclear threat-free future
John Reuwer, MD, Vermont Digger - Jan 13


Oregon Prison Inmates Were Evacuated From Wildfires Onto the Home Turf of Their Former Gang Associates
Willamette Week - Jan 13
Mentions Oregon PSR


Communities harmed by Big Oil want justice, not empty words on climate change
Martha Dina Argüello, PSR-Los Angeles, Los Angeles Times - Jan 10


Newsom's budget takes hits from both sides of oil debate
The Bakersfield California - Jan 9
Quotes Martha Dina Argüello of PSR-Los Angeles


H. Jack Geiger made his mark on the world of medicine — after a start at the University of Wisconsin
The Cap Times - Jan 8
Obituary for PSR founding member H. Jack Geiger, MD


In memoriam: H. Jack Geiger, Professor Emeritus CUNY School of Medicine and community health pioneer
The City College of New York - Dec 30
Rememberence of PSR founding member H. Jack Geiger, MD


The 'Revolutionary' Fight Over California's Hidden Oil and Gas Wells
Gizmodo - Dec 30
Quotes Martha Dina Argüello of PSR-Los Angeles


Dr. H. Jack Geiger, renowned proponent of social medicine, dies at 95
Beckers Hospital Review - Dec 29
Obituary for PSR founding member H. Jack Geiger, MD


Review Begins To Possibly Extend Operation Of Wisconsin Nuclear Plant To 2050
WUWM 89.7 (NPR) - Dec 29
Quotes Wisconsin PSR's Hannah Mortensen


State Gives $2.5 Million To Pitt To Study Health Impacts Of Fracking
90.5 WESA (NPR) - Dec 24
Quotes Laura Dagley, PSR Pennsylvania


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