Equality Texas Events:
Dia Regional De Abogacia Webinar
FIELD: SkillTraining
March 12, 2025
6:00 PM
8:00 PM
ZOOM Webinar
¡Únete a nosotros en nuestra capacitación del Día Regional de Abogacia de 2025 en zoom, en preparación para la sesión legislativa de Texas de 2025!
La sesión comienza el 14 de enero y anticipamos otro año desafiante para los tejanos LGBTQ+. El momento de actuar es ahora.
Esta capacitación brindará a los asistentes: Una actualización sobre el estado actual de la igualdad LGBTQ+ en Texas, incluidos desarrollos legislativos clave de la sesión de 2023.
Capacitación y consejos para brindar testimonio en el capitolio. Orientación sobre cómo reunirse efectivamente con sus legisladores. Formas de participar en esfuerzos de promoción en el capitolio.
Sofía Sepúlveda dirigirá esta capacitación. Se anima a asistir a cualquier persona interesada en defender la igualdad LGBTQ+ y ayudar a luchar contra proyectos de ley perjudiciales.
¡Trabajemos para proteger nuestra comunidad y garantizar la calidad para todos los tejanos!
Houston Postcard Party at Rodeo Goat 3/12/2025
FIELD: CommEvent
March 12, 2025
6:30 PM
8:30 PM
Rodeo Goat Houston, 2105 Dallas St, Houston, TX 77003
Join us for a Postcard writing event at Rodeo Goat! Come connect with fellow community members and take action with us! We'll be writing postcards to Texas legislators, advocating for LGBTQ+ rights and equality. This is a great opportunity to meet like-minded folks and make a difference. All ages are welcome! Light refreshments will be provided.
San Antonio Mayoral Townhall
FIELD: Electoral
March 13, 2025
6:00 PM
8:00 PM
With City Council elections heating up, we must know our candidates for Mayor, do they support our community? Where do the stand in the issues that matter to LGBTQIA San Antonians? Will they stand up and loudly express their support even when it isn't popular?
We will be asking that and more to our Mayoral Candidates!
So come join us at Ay Que Chula! This Thursday, March 13 from 6 to 8 PM.
We will have a forum with yes or no questions, as well as time for Audience Questions, so come and find out if the candidate is indeed a pro LGBTQIA Candidate!
Confirmed so far:
* Melissa Cabello-Havrda
* Gina Ortiz Jones
* Adriana Rocha
* Jade McCullough
* Santos Alvarado
* Beto Altamirano
Regional Advocacy Day Austin UUMC
FIELD: IssueTraining
March 16, 2025
2:00 PM
4:00 PM
Austin Texas
Join Equality Texas & University United Methodist Church for our 2025 Regional Advocacy Day training in Austin in preparation for the legislative session!
The 89th legislative session began on January 14th and we anticipate another challenging year for LGBTQIA+ Texans. The time for action is now.
This training covers the current state of LGBTQIA+ equality in Texas, including key legislative developments, tips for providing testimony at the capitol, how to talk to lawmakers, and other ways to engage!
Rox Sayde, Field Intern and Equality Leaders Alumni, will be leading this training. Anyone interested in standing up for LGBTQIA+ equality and helping fight harmful bills is encouraged to attend. Let's work to protect our community and ensure equality for all Texans!
This event is free to attend, but registration is required.
Postcard Writing and Poster Making Party
FIELD: CommEvent
March 22, 2025
12:00 PM
3:00 PM
San Antonio, Texas
Join Equality Texas and ACT4SA (5835 Callaghan, Suite 309) for a postcard writing Saturday, March 22 starting at noon.
The 89th legislative session began on January 14th and we anticipate another challenging year for LGBTQIA+ Texans, with 150+ anti LGBTQIA+ bills being introduced so far.
This training covers the current state of LGBTQIA+ equality in Texas, including key legislative developments, tips for providing testimony at the capitol, postcards and poster making, as well as other ways to engage!
Anyone interested in standing up for LGBTQIA+ equality and helping fight harmful bills is encouraged to attend.
Let's work to protect our community and ensure Equality for all Texans!
This event is free to attend, but registration is required.
All in for Equality Advocacy Day 2025
FIELD: CommEvent
March 24, 2025
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Texas State Capitol, Texas State Capitol, Austin, TX 78701
Join Equality Texas, ACLU, HRC, Lambda Legal, Texas Freedom Network for All in for Equality Advocacy Day!
We will be meeting at the Paramount Theatre located at 713 Congress Ave, for our morning trainings at 9:15am, 10am and 10:45am.
You MUST RSVP to enter the event.
At 11:45am we will march to the Texas Capitol South Steps for the AIFE rally starting at noon.
After the rally, teams will meet with their representatives. When your meetings are complete, gather in the Legislative Conference Center located in the Capitol Extension on level E2.
*We will have busses coming from Dallas, San Antonio and Houston, if you need transportation, please fill out THIS FORM
All in for Equality Rally 2025
FIELD: CommEvent
March 24, 2025
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
Texas State Capitol, Texas State Capitol, Austin, TX 78701
Join Equality Texas, HRC, ACLU of Texas, Lambda Legal, and Texas Freedom Network for the All in for Equality Rally on the south steps of the Capitol at 12 pm!
More details to announced soon!
Meet your Friendly Neighborhood Trans Folk - Austin Pride
April 25, 2025
5:30 PM
7:30 PM
Too much misinformation is being spread about Trans and Gender expansive folks, this is the time to get to know us!
Town Hall Conversation at The Texas Capitol in Austin on April 25th from 530pm to 730pm, with local Trans and Gender expansive folk.
Come get to know your neighbors, find out what they do, what they like, what is their hobbies, and learn how you and I, are not much different but we are instead similar, we have dreams, goals and struggles.
It is the time to learn and not judge but embrace the community who has been walking alongside you since the beginning of civilization.
This is an event with 15 minutes to talk about the History of Trans and Gender expansive folks followed by 1.15 hour Conversation with a 30 minute Q/A from the audience, we will be bringing snacks and refreshments.
Come Join Us Austin!