In the U.S., millions lack access to period products.
Planned Parenthood
TBH Just the facts. No judgment.
No apologies.
In This Issue:
Menstrual equity + National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers + Condoms are for everyone
Call Your Girlfriend
The idea that Roe could fall is terrifying. And, we already have been in the middle of the impact of Roe not being accessible for a long time. To be honest, it never really was something for particularly low income folks and people of color."
— Renee Bracey Sherman, reproductive justice activist and writer
Call Your Girlfriend is a podcast covering pop culture and the latest in politics — it's fiercely feminist, affirming, and fun. Check out their latest episode, "Abortion Is Our Right," and don't miss their awesome reading list and other resources.
  Menstrual Equity  
"I can't believe a film about menstruation just won an Oscar."
— Rayka Zehtabchi, who, at 25, became the first Iranian-American woman to win an Oscar for her documentary short film Period. End of Sentence.

We're excited to see a film that shines a light on the injustice of menstrual stigma — and features strong and inspiring women of color who are fighting for change in their communities — win an Oscar. While the film focuses on the great work that's happening in India, it's starting a conversation about these issues that exist worldwide.

Did you know that Planned Parenthood Global works in partnership with more than 100 organizations across Africa and Latin America? Learn more.

In the U.S., the tampon tax has received a lot of attention, but it's just one part of fighting for menstrual equity. That's because addressing the tampon tax won't help the millions who lack access to these essential products in the first place.

Believe it or not, period products are not covered by government assistance programs like SNAP (food stamps). In addition to fighting cultural stigma, we also need to make these products accessible for students, people with low incomes, those in need of emergency shelter, and people who are incarcerated. The right to menstrual hygiene is about human dignity as well as health and safety. The lack of access to period products can increase the chances of things like urinary tract infections, yeast infections, and toxic shock syndrome.

Looking for ways to make a difference?

Period products are in high demand. If you're able to purchase them or organize a drive, donate these products to local shelters or find other ways to get them to those in need in your community.
Educate yourself. It's not just women who have periods, and not all women have periods either! Trans men and gender nonconforming folks have periods, too.
Ever smuggled a tampon into the bathroom by hiding it in your sleeve? Yeah, we get it. If you feel comfortable, practice destigmatizing periods in your life: talk, write, or even draw about them.
Learn about organizations like, which Nadya Okamoto, a young woman of color, founded when she was just 16.
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Get the Details:
+ The 'Tampon Tax,' Explained
+ Tampons Shouldn't Be Tax Free. They Should Be Covered by Food Stamps and Medicaid.
Defiers of the Month
Tatiana Jorio + Ithaca College NY
Tatiana Jorio is a senior at Ithaca College where she serves as the President of the Planned Parenthood Generation Action Chapter and is also a member of Generation Action's National Student Leadership Cohort.

This year, the Generation Action Chapter has been fighting for the administration to provide free menstrual products in a gender-inclusive, accessible way for all students who need them. Tatiana and the chapter collected more than 1,600 signatures on their petition in support of free menstrual products from students, faculty, staff, and campus community members. After months of research and organizing, the Office of Facilities committed to supplying the Health Center and the LGBTQ center with free menstrual products. The chapter is now working on lowering the price of menstrual products in the campus store and pushing for higher quality products that are more suited to different body types.
I provide abortions, confidently and compassionately, precisely because I know that they have the power and potential to ease the suffering of the person who is pregnant, the person who has come to the decision that being the best parent possible at this point in time means having an abortion."
— Jen Castle, Nurse Practitioner, abortion provider at Planned Parenthood of Northern New England
National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers is celebrated annually on March 10. Read Jen's full story on Tumblr, "Why I'm Proud to Provide Safe and Legal Abortion."
"What is an internal condom?"
The female condom has a new FDA classification and a more accurate name: the internal condom. What is it? It's a device that anyone can use, regardless of gender identity, that can go inside the vagina or the anus (for anal sex, just remove the inner ring) to help prevent pregnancy and/or STDs. You can get them from doctor's offices, health centers, or through the FC2 website directly.

There are a lot of reasons why it's worth trying. For instance, they offer more flexibility than some other methods. They can be put in ahead of time — before foreplay and sex — and people with penises do not have to have or maintain an erection to use internal condoms. One thing you should definitely NOT do is use a regular condom together with an internal condom. Each kind of condom is designed to be used on its own.

— Sarah at Planned Parenthood
Condoms Are For Everyone

Condoms were originally designed to cover the penis. But if you don't have a penis, and neither does your partner, condoms are still your friend. People with smaller penises, some trans men, and some people who are intersex may find that most condoms are too loose and don't stay on during vaginal or anal sex. With a little DIY magic, gloves can be a good alternative.
  The latest on Title X  
Last month we told you about how the Trump-Pence administration attacked access to care at Title X health centers — including Planned Parenthood health centers — by issuing a "gag rule," which will prevent health care providers in the program from referring their patients for abortion.

Planned Parenthood health centers serve 41% of the people who depend on Title X, and this gag rule puts their care at risk. That's why Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the American Medical Association are suing to stop the unethical gag rule. This is our next big fight. Share this video and update your profile pic to spread the word.
We're proud to support sex education that's gender‑inclusive.

Read about the landmark report outlining the first‑ever comprehensive set of principles for gender‑inclusive puberty and health education. This report is a call to action for educators, parents, politicians, and public health advocates to adopt and advocate for sex education that's gender‑inclusive, nationwide.
TBH (To Be Honest) is a monthly newsletter dedicated to learning about our bodies, talking about sex and relationships, and challenging health inequity and injustice. Send us your feedback.

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