Planned Parenthood
In This Issue:
#StandWithBlackWomen + Spot On Nightly + #OursToTell
Rep. Ayanna Pressley
It's about self agency. It's about power. It's about acceptance. It's so interesting to me that right now on this journey, when I feel the most unlike myself is when I am wearing a wig. So I think that means I'm on my way."
— Rep. Ayanna Pressley
Rep. Ayanna Pressley opens up about her struggle with alopecia (an autoimmune disorder that results in hair loss), challenging the stigma and policing of Black hair and beauty standards.
Watch her exclusive interview now.
Standing With Black Women, Altogether
Black women work at the heart of this institution. With a breadth of lived experiences, perspectives, and expertise — Black women provide care at Planned Parenthood health centers and inform how Planned Parenthood protects and expands access to education and care.

We want you to meet a few of the Black women who power Planned Parenthood — and to read in their own words what it means to Stand With Black Women.
"I am so grateful for the leadership of Reproductive Justice organizations like SisterSong that gave the charge to trust Black women. At Planned Parenthood, we know you can't Stand With Black women, if you don't trust Black women to know what is best for their lives, bodies, and families."
Nia Martin-Robinson
"The word stand is a verb, which means it requires an action. Standing with Black women means more than just wearing the shirt or using the hashtag. Standing with Black women means you see us, our bodies, experiences, and voices and not only do you see those things, but you also respect and value them. Standing with Black women requires intentionality, respect, and a strong desire to not just want to give us a seat at the table, but to help create a table for us."
Jamesa Bailey
"Working towards a movement of reproductive freedom is personally important to me because I have been denied reproductive health care several times because I am a Black lesbian. I found through my experience navigating health care, as well as through watching other people in my life, that we face unique barriers to care that prevent us from living our full lives, unapologetically. I believe standing with Black women means actively working toward creating a world where Black women and femmes can thrive and have full control of their destiny. Reproductive freedom is a part of that vision."
Ambalika Williams
"Standing with Black women means believing us when we report an assault. Standing with Black women means trusting our leadership. Standing with Black women means taking our health concerns seriously. Standing with Black women means providing the highest level of health care to any of us, no matter what."
Monica Massamba
What does standing with Black women mean to you?
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Get the details:
+ WATCH: The History of Reproductive Justice
+ How Advocates of Reproductive Justice Stepped into the Spotlight
+ Planned Parenthood's New Leader On Racial Equity and Reproductive Health Freedom
+ Why Black Women Issued A Public Demand For 'Reproductive Justice' 25 Years Ago
+ WATCH: 25th Anniversary Essence Festival
To People who are seeking abortion services, you are loved, and you are not alone. Brittany.
Abortion stories must center the experiences of Black, Latinx, and transgender people — whose voices are rarely heard. The new short film "Ours to Tell" expands our understanding of who makes the decision to have an abortion and underscores the importance of access — which cannot and should not only be for a privileged few.

To view the film, learn more, and find out what you can do, go to Share the film using #OursToTell. To learn more about We Testify, an organization dedicated to the leadership and representation of people who've had abortions, and to share your story, go here.

What we're listening to:
Session 140: Healing After An Abortion
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Therapy for Black Girls is a weekly podcast and online space dedicated to encouraging the mental wellness of Black women and girls. In this episode, Dr. Joy Harden Bradford (@hellodrjoy) chats with Keisha Wells (@kwellslpc) about healing after an abortion, support systems, and resources for managing grief and loss. Listen Now.

"How do I talk to my child about sexual and reproductive health?"
Research tells us that kids and teens who have regular conversations with their parents and caregivers about sex and relationships are are more likely to have healthy and safe sexual lives. You don't need to be an expert, you just need to be willing to talk AND listen. So it's never too early and it's never too late to start talking with your kid about sex and relationships. Learn more on how to have open, non-judgmental conversations about sex, puberty, bodies, and relationships.

Spot On Nightly
Spot On Nightly
Planned Parenthood is excited to debut "Spot On Nightly," a one-night-only talk show about taking control of your period and learning more about your menstrual cycle, with our popular period and birth control tracking app, Spot On.

Watch "Spot On Nightly" and join the #30NightChallenge, which empowers you to learn more about your own unique body by tracking your cycle, birth control method, mood, symptoms, and more.
What we're reading:
+ I'll Never Be Ashamed of My Abortion
+ Hiking or Camping on Your Period? Here's How to Deal
+ Increased Police Presence in New York Subways Is a Reproductive Justice Issue
+ 'Little Miss Period' tackles Japan's menstruation taboos with a punch
+ Abortion Isn't Slavery. Education Secretary Betsy Devos Should Know Better
TBH (To Be Honest) is a monthly newsletter dedicated to learning about our bodies, talking about sex and relationships, and challenging health inequity and injustice. Send us your feedback.

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