Want to elect environmental champions? Support CVPA!

Conservation Voters of PA is a 501c4 organization, which means we can directly participate in elections and politics to support the environment. Your support will go towards protecting the health of Pennsylvanians and the air, land, and water on which we all rely. Conservation Voters of PA works to elect better lawmakers, hold our elected officials accountable for their actions, and fight for laws that will protect the future of our Commonwealth. Contributions to CVPA are not tax deductible. 

Want to hold polluters accountable in the courts?  Support PennFuture!

PennFuture is a 501c3 organization, which means we focus our work on specific environmental issues, not specific political candidates. Your support will go towards protecting public health, restoring and protecting natural resources, and moving Pennsylvania toward a clean energy future. PennFuture litigates environmental cases; advances legislative action on a state and federal level; provides public education; and assists citizens in public advocacy. Contributions to PennFuture are tax deductible.