CBFD Indivisible
We Phonebank Using the Candidate's Own Data
Upcoming Events
Scroll down to see what's happening soon and click on the event's hyperlink to join us. Currently, we are concentrating on federal elections, and downballot elections in key states. Whenever possible, we work directly with candidates and their campaigns, using their data. Your work goes directly to the candidate's voter data, making your contribution most valuable to the candidate and to saving our democracy.
Sign up for In-Person Phone bank with us: https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/626533/
Sign up to Write Letters to the Editor with us: https://www.mobilize.us/cbfd-indivisible/event/626551/
Sign up to Zoom phone bank with us most Thursdays at 3PM PDT: https://www.mobilize.us/cbfd-indivisible/event/648536/
Questions: Email JeanD@Cbfdindivisible.com
Linktree for all opportunities: https://linktr.ee/CBFDindivisible.com