Join the Climate Justice Brainstorm!

June 2, 2023

We know we need to focus on climate justice, but where do we start? For many Green Sanctuary Teams, the Justice campaign is the most challenging and also the one with the most room for growth and collaboration!  That's why we're hosting a...

🌟 Climate Justice Brainstorm! 🌟

This month’s Green Sanctuary 2030 Community Meeting will be a great opportunity to connect with other Green Sanctuary 2030 Teams to hear about what everyone is doing on Climate Justice.  Rachel will provide a little framing for the Climate Justice campaign, then we'll go right to open discussion. 

Are you proud of a partnership you're cultivating?  This event is for you! 

Are you stumbling in your climate justice actions?  This event is for you!

Do you have absolutely no idea where to start?  This event is for you!  

Bring your questions and ideas and join the conversation!  

Come together for shared learning and mutual support with other UUs working on congregational transformation through climate justice! 

This month's meeting is on June 14, 2023 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM ET (Note this is NOT on our regular meeting time on the third Wednesday of the month.  I'll be at GA!  Will you be there, too?  Let me know!  I hope to see you there!


Join the GS2030 Planning Team!

Do you love connecting with other UUs during the Green Sanctuary Community meetings?  We're looking for a few folks to help organizing these monthly meetings including offering opening and closing spiritual grounding, helping select topics, identifying speakers, GS testimonials, and more!  Please let me know if you're interested!  It'll be great fun.  Email Rachel at to join the team!

Mobilize to End the Era of Fossil Fuels!  June 8-11!

During a national week of Action June 8-11, People vs. Fossil Fuels are mobilizing to turn up the heat and make Biden take real climate action – by ending the era of fossil fuels. UU congregations are encouraged to commit to host or attend a distributed action demanding Biden use his executive powers to end the era of fossil fuels and declare a climate emergency! 

ICYMI - Side With Love, UU Ministry for Earth, and People vs. Fossil Fuels hosted a conversation to support UUs to learn about the campaign, distributed actions, and supports available, including coaching and movement chaplaincy for UUs.  

Are you mobilizing to End the Era of Fossil Fuels?  Email us at or tag SideWithLove in your social media posts.  

Action Steps:

ICYMI:  IRA funds and UUs: Funding Clean Energy and Climate Solutions

The April Green Sanctuary Community Meeting featured a presentation by Carey McDonald, UUA Executive Vice President, on UU-specific funding mechanisms to leverage with federal clean energy funding opportunities.  

Are you wondering if Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funds can transform your congregation? They can! With 30% direct pay options for churches and nonprofits, IRA funds present a great opportunity for UUs to reduce our carbon footprint while cultivating communities of care and prioritizing climate justice.

Even better, the UUA has funding options to help you maximize IRA funds! Watch the recording and check out the resources to learn all about it!

Abolitionist Visions on Climate Justice

Imagine it's 2050 and we've achieved all of our wildest hopes for climate justice...what does it look like? The abolitionist movement imagines a future without police and prisons, drawing on deep convictions, faith, imagination, and hope to do so. The climate justice movement is diverse, vibrant, and equally hopeful: but do we UUs have a vision of what a just climate future is? Without a clear vision of a world where all can thrive, we run the risk of prioritizing short-term gains, false solutions, legislative goals disconnected from cultural shifts, and distractions that divide our focus.

Watch the recording of this radical gathering of thinkers for abolitionist visions of climate justice. Facilitated by Side With Love Climate Justice Organizer Rachel Myslivy, the panel will include Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt, Ecowomanist theologian and sole candidate for UUA President*; Dr. Rashid Shaikh, director of science emeritus at the Health Effects Institute in Boston and co-convenor of the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Caucus on Climate Justice; and Antoinette Scully, Faith-Based National Organizer for the UU Women's Federation.

* NOTE: This event was sponsored by Side With Love and was not a campaign event