PSR Monitor
January 25, 2022
Peace and Security
PSR Takes Out Ad in President Biden's Hometown Newspaper Calling for a Sensible Nuclear Posture Review
In an effort to influence President Biden to put out a sensible Nuclear Posture Review (the document that informs the public about the role nuclear weapons will play in a current president's term — or terms), PSR took out a full-page ad in Biden's hometown newspaper. On Sunday, January 2, the residents of Wilmington, Delaware opened their newspapers to an ad containing an open letter signed by over 1,000 citizens concerned with Biden's nuclear strategy.
PSR Director of Communications and Outreach Sparks Reflective Conversations in Nuclear Community on Intersectionality and Privilege
PSR’s very own Mari Faines, Director of Communications and Outreach, has started a community-wide conversation in the nuclear field about the importance of intersectionality in our work, and the previously unspoken privilege that lies in the existential threat of nuclear war being the biggest threat to your security. In an article published in Outrider Foundation, Mari asserts that "We cannot continue to walk into spaces with people we want to intersect with while not understanding the basics of their issues or even acknowledging that their insecurity may be more proximate than the threat of nuclear war." Mari was then invited on the podcast Press The Button hosted by Ploughshares Foundation where she discussed these topics further.
Chesapeake PSR holds rose ceremony for countries that helped ratify the Ban Treaty
On January 18, Chesapeake PSR hand-delivered certificates of appreciation “for moral and exemplary leadership” to the Washington DC embassies of the states that helped to ratify the Ban Treaty. They also presented each embassy with a rose to further express their gratitude for helping to move the world closer to zero nuclear weapons. This event, like many around the country in the coming days, celebrates the one year anniversary of the entry into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).
PSR Hosts Second Event Kicking off New Campaign to Increase Equity
On the evening of December 16, 2021, PSR hosted a roundtable discussion focused on the importance of understanding the concept of movement building from a social justice framework and how it can be applicable to the nuclear weapons movement. This event, "Movement Strategies for Community-Based Safety: A Roundtable on the Intersection Between Social Justice and Nuclear Weapons Abolition," is the second in a series launching PSR's new #DemandAccess campaign, an initiative to promote equity and access to resources that are currently being denied to Americans all over the country. You can watch a recording of the event on our Youtube channel. If you'd like to stay up to date with the #DemandAccess campaign, fill out our survey and share with your family, friends and colleagues!
Environment & Health
Welcome Jake Assael, New E&H Policy Coordinator
The Environment & Health program welcomes Jake Assael as our new Policy Coordinator. Jake will lead our work on federal policy related to climate change, fossil fuels, and the energy transition. Working with the Climate Ambassadors and our individual members, he will analyze legislation, flag important moments when we can take action, and provide materials and guidance to assure effective advocacy. Jake brings a superb background to this work, having educated Capitol Hill staffers about climate change, analyzed political candidates’ stances on climate, and worked with former EPA officials. He holds a Master’s degree in public administration.
Dangerous Air Pollution from Your Gas Stove
Many of us cook with gas — but did you know that your gas stove can generate dangerous levels of indoor air pollution? Stoves emit nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and particulate matter. Nitrogen dioxide contributes to asthma attacks and other lung damage and can reach levels indoors that exceed the EPA threshold for outdoor air. Children are the most vulnerable. Interested in learning more? PSR can provide a live presentation for your PSR chapter or local health or environmental organization. Contact Zach Williams, MPH, our Health Educator, for details:
Coming soon! PFAS Use in Fracking in Colorado
Heads up: In the coming days, PSR will publish a new report documenting the use of toxic PFAS "forever chemicals" in fracking for oil and gas in Colorado. Just as importantly, the report analyzes how state non-disclosure laws allow companies to shield information from the public view, making it impossible to assess and quantify the potential toxics risk. Stay tuned!
Tell EPA: Tighten up Rules on Oil and Gas Wells
EPA's proposal to limit methane leaking from oil and gas wells is a welcome start, but it's not strong enough. Tell EPA we need better.
2022 Annual Membership Survey
Take a moment to complete PSR's 2022 Member Survey. Your response to this survey has a direct impact on our objectives and projects. Just visit:
Upcoming Events
Reclaiming Florida’s Future for All 2022
Online and In Person, Florida Capitol, Tallahassee
Wed. Jan. 26, 9:30 am - 4:30 pm EST
Join PSR Florida online or in-person at the Florida Capitol to advocate for rooftop residential solar and other state policy issues on health and clean energy this legislative session. RSVP
Screening: "Original Child Bomb"
Wed. Jan. 26, 2022 at 6:00 - 8:00 pm MST
Location: In-person [vaccinated and masked] at Grace Saint Paul's Episcopal on E Adams St, Tucson, AZ, or online link at home.
Free live event followed by short panel and Q&A. Pre-registration required: respond to Kathy Altman at
Health & Environment Series: Making the Connection 2022
February 2 - March 16
Wisconsin Environmental Health Network and PSR Wisconsin present their annual environment and health educational event as an online lecture series for 2022. CME/CE Credits available. Register
Greater Boston PSR Monthly Meeting
Mon. Feb. 7, 2022, 7:00 pm EST
Online Meeting via Zoom - All are welcome to attend. Please contact Anna Baker at for Zoom information.
Waste Coal and Cryptocurrency in Pennsylvania
Fri. Feb. 11, 1:00 pm EST
PSR-Pennsylvania webinar with Rob Altenburg of PennFuture, addressing how the health of Pennsylvanians is being impacted as companies burn massive amounts of waste coal to power cryptocurrency operations and ratepayers are handing them huge subsidies to do so. Register
PSR Actions
Tell EPA: Tighten up Rules on Oil and Gas Wells
In the news
Doomsday and Hope
Robert Dodge, MD, PSR Board, Common Dreams - Jan 21
Legal Petition Calls On Biden to Phase Out Federal Oil, Gas by 2035
Center for Biological Diversity - Jan 19
Press release on petition signed by PSR National and several chapters
Discussing Intersectionality in the Nuclear Field
National Interest - Jan 19
Quotes PSR's Mari Faines
Removing lead from school drinking water focus of proposed legislation
88.5 WMNF - Jan 19
Quotes PSR Florida's Lakey Love
Rocky Flats Refuge on Former Nuclear Weapons Plant Wants to Be a Good Neighbor
Westword - Jan 19
Mentions PSR Colorado
The US-Russia Crisis Over Ukraine: All Options Should Not Be On the Table
Ira Helfand, MD, PSR Board Member, and Daryl Kimball, Just Security - Jan 18
Ending nuclear weapons before they end us: current challenges and paths to avoiding a public health catastrophe
Tilman Ruff, MD, IPPNW and ICAN, Journal of Public Health Policy - Jan 17
Senator Farmer and Representative Nixon File Legislation to Filter Lead Out of School Drinking Water
The Florida Senate - Jan 14
Mentions PSR Florida
Ask A Scientist: Will The Biden Nuclear Weapons Policy Wind Up Being The Same Old Same Old?
Clean Technica - Jan 14
Mentions PSR
Toxic Tides: Oxnard sites at risk from sea level rise
VC Reporter - Jan 12
Mentions PSR-Los Angeles
Marshall Fire shouldn't have happened
Tracy Koller, FNP, PSR Colorado, Boulder Daily Camera - Jan 11
Nuclear Intersections
Press the Button - Jan 10
Interview with PSR's Mari Faines on the Ploughshares podcast
A Community Says 'No' to a Massive Climate-Polluting Refinery
Earthjustice - Jan 10
Article on lawsuit brought by Washington PSR and partner groups
Lobby senators to support Build Back Better
Mary Ellen O'Connell, PSR Climate Ambassador, The Morning Call - Jan 9
Nuclear weapon states like US must end the hypocrisy
Robert Dodge, MD, The Hill - Jan 8
Baltimore housing advocates call for halt on evictions
88.1 WYPR - Jan 4
Quotes Chesapeake PSR's Gwen DuBois, MD
The Growing Threat of Nuclear Extinction
Peter Metz, Mass Peace Action, and Ira Helfand, MD, PSR Board Member, The New York Times - Jan 2
Can heart attack be triggered by air pollution? Know from a health expert
Hindustan Times - Dec 31
Cites PSR's air pollution and cardiovascular health fact sheet
Environmental groups air concerns about $6B Nacero project
Times Leader - Dec 25
Mentions PSR-Pennsylvania
Environmental advocates appeal dismissal of lawsuit over Rocky Mountain Greenway
Daily Camera - Dec 24
Mentions PSR Colorado