Planned Parenthood
In This Issue:
Meet Dr. Hanna-Attisha + Relations + Chantal’s Story
Dr. Hanna-Attisha
Challenging injustice means standing up for the weak, the vulnerable, the abused, and the forgotten — be it in health, employment, education, or the environment."
— Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha
Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha is a pediatrician and social justice activist whose research brought worldwide attention to the fact that thousands of children in Flint, Michigan were exposed to dangerous levels of lead in their drinking water. Learn more about Dr. Hanna-Attisha.
As a Black woman, preparing to give birth to my second child has been like preparing for battle. Five years ago, as I was in labor with my first child, an intake physician at the hospital made a comment that was both jarring and eye-opening, especially given the precarious situation of Black women in our health system: “If you are not ready to give birth immediately, we would need to cut you open because we need the beds.”

That set a horrific tone for my birth experience.

Frantic that I would be forced to have an unnecessary C-section, I waddled back home and went through another 24 hours of labor from my couch, until I knew I was ready to proceed with a vaginal birth. The evening and morning of my labor continued to be stressful and traumatic. My primary health care professionals had no empathy for my concern and pain during the birth or postpartum recovery. I was someone in a bed who had to be ushered out to make room for another person. And that was at a time when there was no pandemic, and no other extenuating circumstance. I was lucky to have my husband and my doula at my side to guide my birth process and help advocate for me — but what about the women who don’t have a support system and have to give birth during a public health crisis?

Now, I am 32 weeks pregnant at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, I am frightened about how I will be received at the time of the delivery of my child. This time, I’ve attempted to do things differently from conception to birth: I chose a different hospital, I carefully selected a person of color as my doctor, and I’ve managed my expectations about equal care. I clearly described the trauma I experienced five years ago when I gave birth to my son to my new doctor. He expressed his disgust with how the system treats Black women, apologized, and promised me a different experience this time. I’m hesitant and cautious about immediately believing him, but he helped me through a miscarriage a year ago and so I am hopeful.

Chantal is the Director of Inclusive Philanthropy at Planned Parenthood Federation of America. She is an organizational leader in the space of diversity, equity, and inclusion and a seasoned fund development expert in the nonprofit sector. Her career has been dedicated to identifying and creating resources for institutions that benefit the most marginalized communities in our society.
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Meet Dr. Floyd
Dr. Floyd
Meet Dr. Floyd, an abortion provider at Planned Parenthood. She considers it a privilege to offer lifesaving care to people and help them navigate the emotional challenges they face.
Learn more about Dr. Floyd.

Whether it's access to birth control or safe, legal abortion, stories are a powerful part of our movement. Have Planned Parenthood advocacy, education, or health care services helped you?
Share your story with us!
What we're listening to:
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In this episode, the hosts of Still Processing dig into the realities of sex and pop culture. The way sex — the good, the bad, and the ugly — is portrayed in pop culture often shapes the way we think about relationships, sex, and our bodies. Listen now.
"What does social distancing mean for my sex life?"
This can be a very isolating and lonely time if you’re hitting "pause" on sex and relationships or can’t be with your sexual partner(s). But that doesn’t mean you can’t connect in other ways — people in long distance relationships do it all the time! There are things you can do to stay intimate and *ahem* busy, alone or with a partner:
  • Masturbate — solo sex can relax you in times of high anxiety or stress.
  • Read a romantic novel or steamy short story (or write your own!).
  • Go old school and write a letter or postcard to your boo.
  • Put on your favorite outfit, glam yourself up, and do a photoshoot (this one’s great if you’re feeling a little lazy from spending days in your PJs).
  • Video chat — go on a date via video and talk over some coffee or a meal.
  • Swap playlists of your favorite sexy songs.
  • Go on a virtual date — watch a movie together over video, play a video game or virtual board game, or listen to an album or playlist together.
— Chelsea @ Planned Parenthood
What we're reading:
+ Remembering Lorena Borjas, Beloved NYC Trans Activist
+ Your New Sex Ed Teacher is a Chatbot
+ Remembering the Life-Saving Lupe Hernandez, Hand Sanitizer Inventor
+ Practicing What I Preach: Consent, Young People, and Respecting a No
+ How the Acting Head of Planned Parenthood Gets It Done
+ Black Maternal Health Week: Black Women On The Frontlines Discuss Sisterhood, Mission
TBH (To Be Honest) is a monthly newsletter dedicated to learning about our bodies, talking about sex and relationships, and challenging health inequity and injustice. Send us your feedback.

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