// This code is provided by Microsoft // ReSharper disable VariableUsedInInnerScopeBeforeDeclared // ReSharper disable StatementIsNotTerminated // ReSharper disable VariableUsedOutOfScope function cookieSettingsAcceptCookiesAi() { var sdkInstance = "appInsightsSDK"; window[sdkInstance] = "appInsights"; var aiName = window[sdkInstance], aisdk = window[aiName] || function (n) { var o = { config: n, initialize: !0 }, t = document, e = window, i = "script"; setTimeout(function () { var e = t.createElement(i); e.src = n.url || "https://az416426.vo.msecnd.net/scripts/b/ai.2.min.js", t.getElementsByTagName(i)[0].parentNode.appendChild(e) }); try { o.cookie = t.cookie } catch (e) { } function a(n) { o[n] = function () { var e = arguments; o.queue.push(function () { o[n].apply(o, e) }) } } o.queue = [], o.version = 2; for (var s = ["Event", "PageView", "Exception", "Trace", "DependencyData", "Metric", "PageViewPerformance"]; s.length;)a("track" + s.pop()); var r = "Track", c = r + "Page"; a("start" + c), a("stop" + c); var u = r + "Event"; if (a("start" + u), a("stop" + u), a("addTelemetryInitializer"), a("setAuthenticatedUserContext"), a("clearAuthenticatedUserContext"), a("flush"), o.SeverityLevel = { Verbose: 0, Information: 1, Warning: 2, Error: 3, Critical: 4 }, !(!0 === n.disableExceptionTracking || n.extensionConfig && n.extensionConfig.ApplicationInsightsAnalytics && !0 === n.extensionConfig.ApplicationInsightsAnalytics.disableExceptionTracking)) { a("_" + (s = "onerror")); var p = e[s]; e[s] = function (e, n, t, i, a) { var r = p && p(e, n, t, i, a); return !0 !== r && o["_" + s]({ message: e, url: n, lineNumber: t, columnNumber: i, error: a }), r }, n.autoExceptionInstrumented = !0 } return o }( { instrumentationKey: "def53ae9-b7c9-41b7-abab-9c939b304095", enableAjaxErrorStatusText: true, enableRequestHeaderTracking: true, enableResponseHeaderTracking: true } ); window[aiName] = aisdk; // ReSharper restore StatementIsNotTerminated // ReSharper restore VariableUsedInInnerScopeBeforeDeclared aisdk.queue.push(function () { aisdk.addTelemetryInitializer(function (envelope) { var telemetryItem = envelope.data; var telemetryBaseData = envelope.baseData; // remove auth from req headers if (telemetryBaseData.properties && telemetryBaseData.properties.requestHeaders) { var requestHeaders = telemetryBaseData.properties.requestHeaders; Object.keys(requestHeaders).forEach(function (key) { if (key.toLowerCase() === "authorization") { delete requestHeaders[key]; } }); } // Set custom properties telemetryItem["Application"] = 'Forms-prod'; // For custom events, make sure we have the URL of the current page if (envelope.baseType == "EventData" || envelope.baseType == "RemoteDependencyData") { telemetryItem["Location"] = telemetryItem["Location"] || window.location.href; } return true; }); }); aisdk.trackPageView({}); } cookieSettingsAcceptCookiesAi();

Act Now. Help End Hunger.

Sign The Petition

When we build community power we can end hunger for good.

In the Capitol, on the streets and at the ballot box, we'll end hunger when all of us have the opportunity to earn a living, have access to quality healthcare and education, and live in housing that's safe and affordable.

We will emerge stronger when we're united in creating an inclusive future that tackles the root causes of hunger, like poverty and systemic racism. 

Act Now. End hunger. Take the pledge today and learn how you can ensure our communities emerge stronger from this crisis. 

Join us in actions today through Election Day — and beyond. 
Sign the pledge to vote out hunger!

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