VT Legislators: Thank You - Please Continue Working to Address the Climate Crisis

VT Legislators: Thank You - Please Continue Working to Address the Climate Crisis

Over the past few months, the legislature has been hard at work addressing the immediate needs of Vermonters as the COVID-19 crisis has unfolded.

At the same time, the other challenges and crises facing our state and our world have not gone away. Over the past week, the legislature has been able to begin shifting some of its time to focus on these other pressing issues. The Senate has passed two bills aimed at the causes and impacts of the climate crisis – and they're taking up the House-passed Global Warming Solutions Act in committee.

Please join VPIRG and going on two dozen other organizations and businesses in adding your name to our joint letter to the House and the Senate thanking them for their work on COVID-19 and urging them to continue to prioritize the climate crisis this year.

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To the Vermont House and the Vermont Senate,

Thank you for your rapid and effective work to respond to the COVID-19 crisis. In this time of uncertainty, it has been heartening to see our democratic institutions mobilize so quickly to combat the public health and economic crises facing our state.

Thank you as well for making action on the climate crisis a priority this year, which will protect the health and well-being of Vermont's people, spur our economy, cut Vermont's pollution, and make our state more resilient in the years to come.

To the House, thank you for your work on and passage of the Global Warming Solutions Act (H.688).

And to the Senate, thank you for prioritizing and passing S.337 and S.185, which will allow our efficiency utilities the flexibility to save Vermonters more money and cut more climate pollution, and enable planning for the public health effects of the climate crisis.

To all Representatives and Senators, we urge you to pass these three pieces of legislation. Collectively, this package of bills takes important steps, and importantly, it is underpinned by a framework that will enable and require progress toward a job-creating recovery that improves our communities' resilience, better protects public health, and cuts pollution.

Together, these bills will help create a strong foundation for moving our state out of the COVID-19 crisis into a stronger, more equitable, and more durable economy. Thank you for the hard work you are doing. You have our support.