Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition
You Have the Right to Breathe Clean Air! Join the Effort to Make it Real

The Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition has joined community groups and residents working to create cleaner, healthier environments we all deserve. Too many communities in our state, Black, Brown, Indigenous and low-income communities, breathe air that puts their health at risk and causes disproportionate health impacts. This has been documented from the high rates of cancer in Dearborn's Arab-American community in the industrialized South End to Detroit's majority Black residents having three times the asthma rate as the rest of Michigan. 

We can and will make a change.

Together, we will enlarge a critical network of air monitors throughout the state, because the first step is to gather data to support our work. Then we will put that data into the hands of residents like you. That will give us more power when we go to our elected officials and regulators to demand much needed changes to laws and regulations to protect our health. 

We can demand regulators consider all the sources of pollution a community is exposed to.

We can make these changes with the collective power of all our communities standing together. 

Start by adding your name to the list of those who want our Lansing representatives to know:

You Have the Right to Breathe Clean Air!

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