SEIU Local 500
MICA Part Time Online Authorization Form

The collective bargaining agreement between MICA and SEIU Local 500 provides that, except those who are covered by an exemption, all faculty members who become employed by the College and covered by this Agreement must either voluntarily become members in the Union, or shall be required as a condition of continued employment to pay to the Union each month a service charge as a contribution toward the cost of administration of this Agreement and representation by the Union, beginning no later than thirty-one (31) days after the initial date of hire. Click here and scroll to the bottom of the page to view exemption categories. 

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Employment Information:


Employees must select either Membership, Agency Fee Payer or Request an Exemption. If you elect to be a union Member or an Agency Fee Payer and wish to have your deductions taken from your paycheck, make sure you authorize the Payroll Deduction section of this form. If instead you choose to pay by check, complete the Direct Pay Authorization below and you will receive an invoice for the semester or the entire academic year. If you Request an Exemption from paying an agency fee, only complete the section of this form titled "Request for Exemption." 


STEP 1 - Choose Your Union Status:


I request and voluntarily accept membership in SEIU Local 500 and I agree to abide by the obligations of membership set forth in the Constitution & Bylaws of both Local 500 and the Service Employees International Union ("SEIU"). I authorize SEIU Local 500 to act as my exclusive representative in collective bargaining over wages, benefits, and other terms and condition of employment with my employer. I know that membership in the union is voluntary and is not a condition of my employment, and that I can decline to join without reprisal.


I do not wish to be a member of SEIU Local 500 and will pay the agency fee as required. I understand by making this choice, I relinquish my right to vote on my contract, serve on committees, and give up access to member benefits. To obtain information sufficient to gauge the propriety of the agency fee, along with a description of the procedures to be followed in accordance with your rights under the law, click here for more information.

STEP 2 - Choose How To Pay:


In payment for initiation fees, and membership fees or agency fees, to SEIU Local 500, I hereby authorize and direct MICA to deduct from my pay an amount equal to the dues or agency fees in the amounts specified by SEIU Local 500, and to pay that amount to SEIU Local 500 in accordance with the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between MICA and SEIU Local 500. This authorization will remain in effect each year, or until canceled in writing by me and received by the Union, and will remain in effect if my employment with MICA is terminated and I am later re-employed by MICA.

Note:  Dues, fees and assessments paid to the Union are not tax deductible as charitable contributions. However, they may be tax deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses.

Request for Exemption Status

I believe that I am covered by an exemption category that exempts me from the requirement to pay an agency fee. I understand that the Union must verify this status at the beginning of each semester that I am teaching. For more detailed information about the exemption categories, click here and scroll to the bottom of the page. 

When Workers Unite, Politicians Listen
Building Our Political Power

COPE, which stands for Committee on Political Education, is a Political Action Committee (PAC) fund used to support issues important to working families and hold politicians accountable. Union dues cannot be used for political purposes, therefore members are making voluntary contributions to SEIU 500's COPE PAC fund so that we can help elect candidates who stand up for issues important to working families. Please select the amount you wish to contribute below.


I authorize SEIU Local 500 to file this payroll deduction form with my employer, and for my employer to withhold the amount specified above to forward to SEIU Local 500 as a contribution to SEIU Committee on Political Education (“SEIU COPE”). This authorization is made voluntarily based on my specific understanding that: 1. I am not required to sign this form or make voluntary contributions to SEIU COPE as a condition of my employment or membership in the union; 2. I may refuse to contribute without reprisal; 3. Under law, only union members and executive/administrative staff who are U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents are eligible to contribute to COPE; 4. The contribution amount on this form is merely a suggestion, and I may contribute more or less by this or other means without fear of favor or disadvantage from my union or my employer; 5. SEIU COPE uses the money it receives for political purposes—including, but not limited to, making contributions to and expenditures on behalf of candidates for federal, state, and local offices—and addressing political issues of public importance. This authorization shall remain in effect until revoked by me in writing via U.S. mail to Local 500.

Voluntary contributions will be deducted in the authorized amount beginning on the first full pay period following receipt of this authorization by payroll. I hereby authorize my employer to deduct :(the amount specified below) from my paycheck each pay period for SEIU COPE, subject to the terms set forth above, under SEIU COPE CHECKOFF AUTHORIZATION.