sign the petition to show your support of rent control and to stay up to date on this campaign
Petition for Lifting the Ban on Rent Control in Michigan


We the people of Michigan deserve homes that are safe, affordable, and stable, where we can build our community or raise our families with joy and security. Right now with housing market values soaring, landlords are increasing rent rapidly, people are being evicted, and we are being pushed to live in unsafe and less stable places.

In the 80s, cities like Detroit were on their way to having a rent control policy that would regulate the amount landlords could charge for or raise rent. But in a racist reaction to that, in 1988, the Michigan legislature passed a law that prevents municipalities from enacting rent control policies - rent control “preemption.” Since the rent control ban went into effect, the median rent in Michigan has increased by 130% while the median household income has increased by only 22%. 

We deserve rent control. People in Kalamazoo, Detroit, Lansing, and across the state are coming together to ask legislators to do something. To start, we ask that they lift the ban on rent control by repealing the 1988 preemption law.

By signing this petition, I indicate my support for repealing the 1988 rent control preemption law and replacing it with equitable housing policies, including but not limited to rent control. I also indicate my interest in learning more about how to get involved in the campaign for housing justice, receiving the We the People Action Fund newsletter, and staying up to date with the movement.

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