// This code is provided by Microsoft // ReSharper disable VariableUsedInInnerScopeBeforeDeclared // ReSharper disable StatementIsNotTerminated // ReSharper disable VariableUsedOutOfScope function cookieSettingsAcceptCookiesAi() { var sdkInstance = "appInsightsSDK"; window[sdkInstance] = "appInsights"; var aiName = window[sdkInstance], aisdk = window[aiName] || function (n) { var o = { config: n, initialize: !0 }, t = document, e = window, i = "script"; setTimeout(function () { var e = t.createElement(i); e.src = n.url || "https://az416426.vo.msecnd.net/scripts/b/ai.2.min.js", t.getElementsByTagName(i)[0].parentNode.appendChild(e) }); try { o.cookie = t.cookie } catch (e) { } function a(n) { o[n] = function () { var e = arguments; o.queue.push(function () { o[n].apply(o, e) }) } } o.queue = [], o.version = 2; for (var s = ["Event", "PageView", "Exception", "Trace", "DependencyData", "Metric", "PageViewPerformance"]; s.length;)a("track" + s.pop()); var r = "Track", c = r + "Page"; a("start" + c), a("stop" + c); var u = r + "Event"; if (a("start" + u), a("stop" + u), a("addTelemetryInitializer"), a("setAuthenticatedUserContext"), a("clearAuthenticatedUserContext"), a("flush"), o.SeverityLevel = { Verbose: 0, Information: 1, Warning: 2, Error: 3, Critical: 4 }, !(!0 === n.disableExceptionTracking || n.extensionConfig && n.extensionConfig.ApplicationInsightsAnalytics && !0 === n.extensionConfig.ApplicationInsightsAnalytics.disableExceptionTracking)) { a("_" + (s = "onerror")); var p = e[s]; e[s] = function (e, n, t, i, a) { var r = p && p(e, n, t, i, a); return !0 !== r && o["_" + s]({ message: e, url: n, lineNumber: t, columnNumber: i, error: a }), r }, n.autoExceptionInstrumented = !0 } return o }( { instrumentationKey: "def53ae9-b7c9-41b7-abab-9c939b304095", enableAjaxErrorStatusText: true, enableRequestHeaderTracking: true, enableResponseHeaderTracking: true } ); window[aiName] = aisdk; // ReSharper restore StatementIsNotTerminated // ReSharper restore VariableUsedInInnerScopeBeforeDeclared aisdk.queue.push(function () { aisdk.addTelemetryInitializer(function (envelope) { var telemetryItem = envelope.data; var telemetryBaseData = envelope.baseData; // remove auth from req headers if (telemetryBaseData.properties && telemetryBaseData.properties.requestHeaders) { var requestHeaders = telemetryBaseData.properties.requestHeaders; Object.keys(requestHeaders).forEach(function (key) { if (key.toLowerCase() === "authorization") { delete requestHeaders[key]; } }); } // Set custom properties telemetryItem["Application"] = 'Forms-prod'; // For custom events, make sure we have the URL of the current page if (envelope.baseType == "EventData" || envelope.baseType == "RemoteDependencyData") { telemetryItem["Location"] = telemetryItem["Location"] || window.location.href; } return true; }); }); aisdk.trackPageView({}); } cookieSettingsAcceptCookiesAi();

Sign the petition: Invest in communities recovering from COVID-19

Sign The Petition

We have an opportunity to rebuild together in the wake of the COVID-19 — and break the systems that oppress people and cause hunger and poverty.

To do this, we must ensure that all Oregonians have access to affordable housing, food, healthcare and economic security. This starts with investments in Black, Indigenous and People of Color who have been hit the hardest by COVID-19. And it continues with intentional action to ensure food and resources reach all communities as we recover from the pandemic together.

Right now, elected officials are making policy and budget decisions that will impact generations to come. Join us in calling on elected officials to dedicate funding directly to communities that have been disproportionately impacted COVID-19.

Our voices matter. Add yours today to help us all #EmergeStronger together.